About the Project
The Super Madi Hydroelectric Project (SMHP) is located in Madi rural municipality, Kaski District, Gandaki Province, Nepal. The geographical project boundaries lie between latitude 28° 19′ 02″ N to 28° 21′ 39″ N and longitude 84° 04′ 45″ E to 84° 08′ 34″ E. The project area can be accessed from Kathmandu-Pokhara-Bijaypur Khola-Sabi-Tangtin Village. From Tangtin village, which is in the middle of the project area, Headworks are approximately 8 km. The major components of the project lie on the left bank of the river.
The project diverts 18.00 m³/s of flow from the Madi River by constructing an ogee-shaped concrete diversion weir with the crest elevation at 1344 m above mean sea level (amsl). The diverted flow through the side intake passes through a gravel trap. From the gravel trap, the discharge is conveyed to a conveyance tank. Two inlet tunnels of dimensions 4.2 m X 4.2 m convey the design discharge to two separate chambers of the underground settling basin. From the settling basins, the flow is conveyed through a 5.34 km headrace tunnel along the left bank of the Madi River. After the headrace tunnel, the design discharge is conveyed via about 1636 m long penstock pipe to three generating units of Francis turbine inside the semi-surface powerhouse. From the powerhouse, the water is conveyed back to the Madi river through about a 195 m long tailrace culvert.
There are three transformers beside the powerhouse to step up the 11 kV generation voltage to 132 kV. Thereafter, the power is evacuated through 132 kV transmission lines. An outdoor switchyard is constructed on the southern side of the powerhouse, and a single-circuit 132 kV transmission line starts from the switchyard of Super Madi Hydroelectric Project to Lekhnath Substation.
Project Detail
S.N. | Description | Detail |
1 | Project Title | Super Madi Hydroelectric Project |
2 | Promoter Company | Super Madi Hydropower Ltd. |
3 | Capacity | 44 MW |
4 | Address/Phone/Email | Dhungana Complex,Kupondole Road,Lalitpur, Nepal (977-1) 4423971, 4527090 supermadihydro@gmail.com |
5 | Rated Net Head | 280.67 m |
6 | Dry Season Energy | 37.756 GWh |
7 | Wet Season Energy | 204.894 GWh |
8 | Total Energy | 242.65 GWh |